
Button Programming

This document explains how to set-up BLF (Buddy Light Function) and Speed Dial buttons on Yealink phones with Firmware version v70 and higher.

This guide is applicable to the following models of Yealink phones:










BLF vs Speed Dial

It is important to understand the difference between a BLF and a Speed Dial when setting up your buttons.  

A BLF or Buddy Light Function is for internal extensions.  Internal, in this example, means any extension that does not require you to call an outside number to reach.  If you work in a company with multiple locations but can still call a coworker at another location by simply dialing their extension, that is an ‘Internal’ extension.  BLFs will show you if another extension is on a call, ringing or idle.

A Speed Dial is an External number like a cell phone or another company.  Basically any 7 or 10 digit phone number.  You will not be able to see the status of the external line with regards to whether it is idle, ringing or on a call.

Logging in to your phone

  1. Clear any Missed Call or Voicemail notifications on your screen.  Locate and press the OK button on your phone.

  1. The top line on the STATUS screen will be the IPv4 Address.  Make note of this number.  Example: or

  1. Open a web browser on your computer and type that number into the address bar and press Enter.

  1. You will be taken to a login screen.

  1. The Username is: user and the Password is: user

Button Set-Up

  1. Once logged into the portal, Click the DSSKEY tab along the top of the page.

  1. Select the Line Key section you want to edit on the left hand side of the page.

  1. Go to the button you want to add/edit and select “BLF” or “Speed Dial” under the Type column.

  1. Add the Extension number in the Value field and the Name you want displayed in the Label field.  To avoid a time-out of the portal window, you will want to confirm every 2 or 3 buttons.